Blog Archive

Check out all blog posts in my blog archive. Click on a headline to read the teaser.

Building Docker images for Jetson Nano on your desktop
Sensors and multifunctional light for Slammer
NVidia JetRacer
Setting up Realsense R200 on Odroid XU4 with ROS
Projects for Maker Faire 2017
"Padre Balistico" a (hopefully) fast line follower robot
Introducing LibrePilot
FirePick now 3D printing
Foldable quad for ROS integration experiments
Firepick, update 3
Firepick, let's start!
OpenPilot drone and GCS
A new micro H (MiniH)
Mini Revo foldable H frame
Rebuilt mini swift
DIY CNC (Part 4)
DIY CNC (Part 3)
DIY CNC (Part 2)
DIY CNC (Part 1)
New Mini FPV Quad
Mini "testbed" quad
CNC'd case for op revo board
Mini VTail quad/2 (aka SgorbioVolante 2.0)
Mini VTail quad
Control board for mini quad
New landing gear prototype
Updates on Photo/fpv quad
Updates to the big Quad/2
Updates to the big Quad
Simple Versatile Imu
New (purple) quad frame
Quad. Umbreakable (almost🙂) edition
First integration tests for NanoQuad
The micro indoor quad starts here
Bluetooth serial connection
New Quadricopter