Updates to the big Quad

I decided to change motor/esc and completely review my quad.

The new motor are self wound 2212 motor from Giantcod wired with 10 turn Y delta (Y connection revealed too low kv for 10x4.5 or 10x6 and 3s and delta was exactly the needed configuration) connected 0.45mm wire. It will use 10x4.5 EPP or 10x6 GWS dd propellers. it will use 15-18 SS Esc from Hobbyking.

This quad will be mainly used for fpv and to carry some light compact camera. This will be the airframe to be powered with a future ARM based flight control but now is powered by Multiwii flight control software on an arduino based boad..

The old hxt2730 motors and 12A blueseries ESCs are now powering a little quad weighting almost 340gr with 2S1000 lipo.

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