"Padre Balistico" a (hopefully) fast line follower robot

Spending time with the guys at Officine Robotiche (a huge thank to Stefano Artigianato Robotico), Iโ€™ve discovered the world of line followers. Apparently simple robots whose ultimate goal is to, guess what, follow a line ๐Ÿ™‚

This simple task involves several issues:

  • reading sensors to determine the line displacement;
  • employing a control algorithm to determine the movement vector;
  • motor control;
  • several other ancillary stuffs, like telemetry, etc;

Obviously mine will run LibrePilot ๐Ÿ™‚ and that simplifies a lot of things as most of the component needed are either in place or needs minor rework.

Unfortunately I had no enough time to make a custom board so I went for some ready stuffs for sensor board and motor driver. Thanks to Stefano โ€˜s suggestions and after fiddling with their datasheets I ended with the following component list:

It will be based on OpenPilot Revolution board given it has plenty of I/O and RF module onboard, useful for tuning and telemetry.

Iโ€™ve also left some mounting holes that may host a NanoPI neo. One day it will be used for optical recognition for, i.e. better line speed planning.

This is the frame I made for this robot


It is made of two parts, the main frame structure and sensor housing. It is available for download at Thingiverse (http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1792422)

I used PETG for the main part and PLA (that is hard and have very low friction).

And here is a short video of the thing moving for the first time, using a standard RC transmitter (and related receiver) for control. It is already using gyro for yaw/trajectory stabilization

There is still a big to do list ahead, including (but not limited to) reversable motors handling and sensor reading.

LibrePilot had already almost everything needed. I added a specific target ( i called that roborevolution based on the revolution target, employing several changes needed to manage brushed motors and all the sensors needed). To have this first test working i only had to tweak the Servo motor drivers to handle higher frequencies and to increase the available resolution.

youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xo0Zb39PRaw

edit: here is the, still very hacky. source code i โ€˜m working on

edit2: and it works ๐Ÿ™‚ until i find some time for a new update post, here are two videos of its first tests

youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWf0fa_k2FA

After a bit of tuning ๐Ÿ™‚

youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDx6UnxeB-w

mfr16 mfr17

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